Pet treats produced by true pet lovers

  • Love Letters

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    Loves her chicken littles

    Maly's Only Treats

    I wanted to share that our little Maly (muh-lee) is just a little picky. A sensitive toy Shih Tzu that from day 1 did not like foods or treats. We tried many different types of food and treats until finding your Sirloin Beef Nuggets and Freeze Dried Chicken. She loves the little burgers and when she was young and wouldn't eat her food we started putting the chicken topper on it and voila, she would eat. Here we are 8 years later and yours is the only treats she will eat other than green beans which she loves too. Many have tried to give her other treats that she sniffs and just walks away or stares at them - and then she's like, where's my burger treats? We're very thankful we found something she loves and have been a customer now for over 7 years and going. Maly says Thank you!


    I've been enjoying nibbling on dried salmon cubes for years, and I absolutely love discovering the little hidden treasures around the room just for me! They really add a touch of extra joy to my cozy indoor lifestyle.

    our 4 Lena, Carson, Katie, Fonzie

    they absolutely ADORE the chicken treats! our two oldest have no teeth so we have to break down the pieces into smaller bites for them. Fonzie, dealing with CRF, is insistent upon having his treats on the extra food we provide for him, all to the aim of keeping his weight up.
    we thank you so much for making such a delicious treat

    Jan B-B

    Marvin & Memphis

    Mom and Dad spoil us two!🦁🦁 We get two nice portions twice daily, Bowls are empty every time, no preservatives and all natural.
    💯 the best product.

    Lisa & Gary Kubo

    Sunny Bee

    I keep my cottage well stocked with Chicken Littles and Bonito Flakes!

    Mr. Mota

    My 18 1/2 year old orange tabby loves the dried chicken. I can't wait to receive the salmon and sirloin dried treats to see if he loves them just as much. He is a purr machine.


    Sweet P loves chicken and can't go without it


    Finn says hurry up old man I need my morning energy boost!

    Gracie - British short hair

    Love my Chicken Sprinkles!


    Lucky is 7 yrs old and he loves your Sirloin Beef Nuggets. He’ll eat a
    whole bag of these treats if we let him. Thanks so much for these treats!


    She is truly a Diva, and she loves her freeze dried salmon on her goat yogurt every morning.

    Malin Kitty

    Malin Kitty in the sun waiting for his favorite salmon flakes..


    Finn and Shemus both waiting for Dad to get a move on and offer morning salmon snacks!


    Luka loves the chicken sprinkles. Sometimes it’s the only thing he will eat so I add powdered vitamins to it when he is acting extremely picky. I’d say if it weren’t for these sprinkles, I don’t know what I’d do. I buy 6 bags at a time to save money.

    Rhapsody in Blue

    Our sweet Rhapsody is the Queen at our home. She rules over the other cats here.

    Rikki the Rottie and Lucky Lily the rescue

    Dogs are people too.Rikki and Lily are the luckiest dogs ever. And I’m a lucky fur baby mom.
    I feed them only salmon, derived food and snacks. I came across Cat Man Do salmon chips and they will do anything for them. My Rottweiler will bring me gifts of any sort just to have them. I put the sprinkles on Lily’s food and she gobbles her food up.
    I especially love the fact that Cat Man Do is a family run business. And is established in my hometown. It makes me homesick when I think about it. This is why I support Cat Man Do as well.
    Keep up the good work. The snacks are delicious. As I’ve been told by the girls.


    Shemus absolutely loves his Salmon Sprinkles, but is very sneaky about it!


    My household contains six cats. ALL SIX LOVE their Chicken Sprinkles on top of every meal. This is DeeDee. She will absolutely refuse her expensive wet food; stop and stare at me until she gets her sprinkles on top.
    Thank you for making such a wonderful product and for the free shipping. :-)


    Macska LOVES the little chicken bites! He can't get enough of them!!! Thank you!!!!!! ^=..=^

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