Pet treats produced by true pet lovers

  • Love Letters

    We hope your pets love our products as much as you love your pets!  If so, please let us know so we can feature your cat or dog in our Love Letters section of the website!  To submit a love letter, you must be registered and logged into your account.  Simply go to MY ACCOUNT and either log in, or submit your love letter to us.

    The White Abys

    We can never get enough of your chicken littles!


    JellyBean and KittyBear go crazy for the Chicken sprinkles. I give the sprinkles as an added bonus of protein. Before I even open the bag they are doing circles and talking to me. Yay! Thanks for creating a kitty friendly size. :P

    Izzy and Sir

    My cats love the bonito flakes. Every day they have them and seem to genuinely thank me when I put them on their saucers.


    Our rescue Kiki loves your Bonita chips. She demands them after dinner each night. If we hide them, she finds them and stares us down until we give her some.

    Rosie (and Smudge)

    I bought the chicken for our rescue kitten Rosie because she didn't care for the treats that our other cat Smudge liked.. It became easy to call Rosie by saying "treats" and she'd come running. Smudge, my husband's cat, soon discovered the treats and became addicted as well.

    The picture is Rosie.

    My cat Grumpy likes the tuna & chicken!

    My cat Grumpy likes all of the cat treats! We call the tuna, Cat fish!

    Shadow loves her Cat-Man-Doo!

    Our 12 year old rescue, Shadow, is missing a good amount of teeth..The bonito flakes are the only treat I've found that she can actually eat! (and occasionally
    Tks for a great product!



    My cats are spoiled by your chiicken and fish products! They want to try the Salmon next time I order! The larger one is Bowie, 3 yrs. old, and The smaller(head only in this picture, they are actually around the same size NOW)is Finian -


    Hey you guys, I hope you remember me. My name is Doug and I delivered some boxes to your company a few weeks back. Anyway, you gave me a sample of your flakes to try out on my four cats. Well guess what?! The one cat that I thought for sure would love them showed little interest. But the three cats that I thought would not like them won’t leave me alone whenever I go to the pantry. You’ve created a few little MONSTERS!! You really need to put a warning label on those things. Well, thanks again for the treats and thanks for all you do for the foster cat program. I wish there were a lot more people out there like you. Thank you!

    Lee N

    Dear Cat-Man-Doo, My daughters cat Kinsey dreams of this stuff!! Thanks for making my grand-cats dream come true!

    Lois Ryan

    Hi. When I go into my kitchen, Mickie my cat, will sit at my feet and wait for me to ask him if he would like a treat. He gets up and starts to meow at me and I tell him to sit and give him the hand gesture you would give a dog. Then he will sit for his Cat-Man-Doo. He just loves his snack. Thank you


    Dear Sandra and Peter: What can I say?? You made my day (weeks & months actually. I "doo" love my Cat-Man-Doo! Thank you from the bottom of my furry little heart. I promise I will share with my brother and sisters and I will get my mom to go to all of the local pet stores and sing your praises!! Your friend in Bonito Flakes, Radar M. A True Four-Legged Customer


    My cat, Houdini, is a bonito flake addict. He normally does not eat cat treats, but he goes insane for Cat Man Doo bonito flakes. If I ever want to find him, all I have to do is open the top of the container and he comes running to me for his bonito fix. Here he is tonight showing his bonito flake love.

    Paul D

    Cat-Man-Doo! You have a great product! These flakes are not only healthy- they've also become like drugs for our kittens. They love them and we can give them to our girls knowing they are all natural.


    OMG! My Maine Coon cat has encountered this amazing treat! He really smears on the chin-to-chin rubs and head bumps to get what he wants. Having had several cats over 45 years, I am familiar with the feline taste palate. This stuff is INCREDIBLE. He'll disown me if I ever lose these flakes. Only problem is satisfying his 18 pounds!


    Thank you so much for going beyond expectation and sending such a nice package to my friend. I would like to say thank you by putting a Cat-Man-Doo tag on my blogs’ side bar peggy’s place and a mention to the Cat Blogosphere members about your extra effort with this purchase. It’s so nice dealing with a caring company.

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